How many Followers on Tiktok to Get Verified

Decoding TikTok Verification: How Many Followers Do You Need?

The coveted blue verification badge on TikTok symbolizes authenticity and recognition, signifying that an account is genuinely associated with a well-known brand, celebrity, or public figure. The question of how many followers are required to attain this badge often lingers in the minds of aspiring TikTok creators. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the elusive world of TikTok verification and shed light on the factors that influence the verification process.

Section 1: Understanding TikTok Verification

  • The Blue Verification Badge: The blue checkmark badge on TikTok indicates that an account is verified, adding credibility and authenticity to the account holder’s identity.
  • Purpose of Verification: Verification ensures that users can identify and connect with genuine accounts amidst a sea of content. It’s commonly associated with celebrities, brands, public figures, and well-known entities.

Section 2: Factors Influencing Verification

  • Authenticity and Notability: TikTok verification is typically granted to accounts that are not only authentic but also notable within their respective fields. Having a strong presence outside TikTok, such as on other social media platforms, can enhance your chances.
  • Media Coverage: If you’ve garnered significant media coverage or have been featured in news outlets, your chances of getting verified increase. Media recognition adds credibility to your profile.
  • Consistency and Quality: Consistently producing high-quality content that resonates with a dedicated audience can contribute to your verification request’s success.

Section 3: The Follower Count Misconception

  • Follower Count is Not Everything: While follower count does play a role in TikTok verification, it’s not the sole determining factor. Having a large following alone doesn’t guarantee verification.
  • Estimated Follower Count: In general, creators who have amassed a substantial following, often in the hundreds of thousands or more, are in a stronger position to apply for verification.

Section 4: How to Apply for Verification

  • Eligibility Criteria: Ensure that you meet TikTok’s eligibility criteria for verification, which includes being a notable public figure, celebrity, brand, or entity.
  • In-App Application: TikTok provides a verification application process within the app itself. Go to your profile settings, tap on “Privacy and Safety,” and then select “Request Verification.”
  • Provide Documentation: During the application process, you’ll need to provide documentation that proves your authenticity and notability. This can include official identification, media coverage, and more.

Section 5: The Waiting Game

  • Verification Review: Once you’ve submitted your verification request, TikTok’s team will review your application and evaluate your eligibility based on the provided documentation.
  • Patience is Key: The verification review process can take time. Be patient and refrain from reapplying too frequently.


The path to TikTok verification is a blend of authenticity, notability, and consistent engagement with your audience. While a substantial follower count can contribute to your eligibility, it’s essential to understand that verification involves a holistic evaluation of your online presence and impact. As you continue to create meaningful content, engage with your audience, and build your digital footprint, you’ll be on a journey that could potentially lead to the coveted blue verification badge, solidifying your status as a genuine and notable presence within the TikTok community.